About the project:

This tool is part of the LIFT ('Low-Input Farming and Territories – Integrating knowledge for improving ecosystem-based farming') project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770747.
The overall goal of LIFT is to identify the potential benefits of the adoption of ecological farming in the European Union (EU) and to understand how socio-economic and policy factors impact the adoption, performance and sustainability of ecological farming at various scales, from the level of the single farm to that of a territory.

About the tool:

The main objective of the tool is to assign a farm to one of the ecological types identified in the LIFT farm typology, based on user data (see tab 'User data'). The tool gives a graphical snapshot of the current situation of a farm in terms of ecological practices, and offers the possibility to explore effects of input changes (see tab 'Ecological type').
Further, the LIFT typology-tool enables to compare performances covering the economic, social and employment, as well as environmental dimensions of farms belonging to different ecological types, taking into account bioregions and types of farming (TF) (see tab 'Peer-Comparison').

Instructions and explanations on how to use the tool are available on:


Please fill out all input fields in the tabs below or upload your data in the side panel on your left.

How do you want to enter your livestock data?

Bovine animals:

Other grazing animals:




Livestock in livestock units:

Feed for grazing (in EUR)

Feed for pigs and poultry (in EUR)

Seeds and Plants (in EUR)

Energy (in EUR)

Ecological type based on FADN variables:

Ecological type:

To find the desired definition, go to the sub-tab named as the tab where the term you are looking for is.

Source: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Glossary:Livestock_unit_(LSU)
You have to reach a minimum score of 3 (out of 4) to be defined as a certain ecological type. The scores are based on predefined thresholds, which can be downloaded on the side panel.

The Organic-type does not depend on input variables, but only whether the farm has stated to be certified organic or in conversion.

The variables used to define the Low-input-type are explained in the table below:

The variables used to define the Integrated-type are explained in the table below:
You can download a template to create a 'peer group file' below:
Download template file as csv

The economic indicators are defined in the table below:

The social & employment indicators are defined in the table below:

The environmental indicators are defined in the table below: